BDSM Ad Scandal
Public Apology Is the New Fashion, Ask Balenciaga’s Demna
Can you start wearing your Balenciaga now?
Do you know what never goes out of style? A heartfelt apology. But in the age we live in, where one can easily be canceled, an apology is nothing but a fashion statement.
How many celebrities when called out have apologized, do they really mean it? Did Kim Kardashian mean when she sort of apologized for her,
comment to women? Like she and her ilk, are the only ones working like crazy. Well, she does to be fair, but she doesn’t f*cking do it in the same way many women do it, to make ends meet.
And it won’t be the last time Kim Kardashian will apologize for her statements, actions, and behavior as long as it gets her social media mileage.
So here comes another apology, this time from Balenciaga’s Demna.
And while apologies are a dime a dozen, an apology is like a pill that may be hard to swallow for people with big egos, but even people with big egos sometimes have to say…