Internet Sleuths Are on The Gabby Petito Case

Did they help break the case?

I, Napoleon B.
Sep 20, 2021
Gabby Petito Story
Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash

The bad news is that Gabby Petito is found dead. Her boyfriend remains missing or in hiding?

We haven't seen this kind of publicity or public attention for a missing person. As someone said in this Washington Post story;

“You’ve got this beautiful young couple, supposedly in love, making this romantic adventure across the country, and then something goes very bad,” said Scott Bonn, a criminologist who studies why certain crimes become cultural touchstones.

If Petito were a woman of color, he added, the national fixation on the case would not likely exist.

When this footage appeared on YouTube, one wonders if the police separated them, not only for a day, would Gabby Petito be still alive today?



I, Napoleon B.

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